I Close 90% of Sales Calls and I Don’t Use Scripts
Here’s My Real Secrets
In 2023, I closed 90% of my sales calls. 90 percent! That’s right — almost every person who gets on a call with me pretty much ends up buying.
Now how do I do it? Let me tell you real quick:
✅ I don’t let just anyone book a call. I vet people first to weed out time-wasters.
✅ I have genuine back-and-forth chats, not stiff scripts. I connect using common interests.
✅ I record my calls and review what worked (and what didn’t!)
See, most folks don’t think about sales calls this way.
The “gurus” say you need magic words or sneaky tricks. That’s a bunch of baloney!
My approach is different. I keep things:
- Real
- Simple
- Focused on people
And it works!
In this article, I’ll break down exactly why I have killer close rates. And how you can too by using these not-so-secret secrets:
If this is the first time you’re reading an article by me…
Hi, I’m Rahul Choudhary and I’m the founder of Beef Up Media, the go-to email marketing agency for Solopreneurs & SaaS businesses.
Reason 1 — Thorough Qualification Process
Alright, the first reason I nail sales calls?
I don’t let time-wasters book meetings.
See, I used to let anyone schedule a call. Had a nice lil’ link right on my website and every social media.
At first, it was good.
But then… problems.
Folks not serious about buying started flooding my calendar. These people just wanted to chat my ear off! Not cool.
So you know what I did?
✅ Took that booking link down real quick
Now peeps gotta jump through some hoops to schedule.
Here’s how I qualify:
- Fill out questions on my site
- Or have a chat with me first via message/email
- Or Get vetted beforehand if it’s an outbound outreach
I know, I know — seems harsh.
But cutting time-wasters is crucial! As important as drawing folks in.
It’s like having a bouncer at an exclusive club. Filters out troublemakers so the VIPs can relax!
Repulsion can boost your business too.
So, try this:
- Remove direct scheduling anywhere you can
- Add pre-call questions to sniff out bad fits
- Have a personal chat with folks before sending that calendar invite
Stick to this process. Schedule only peak potential people.
Reason 2 — No Scripts. Only Natural, Genuine Conversations
Alright, sales secret number two:
I have real, quality chats with folks. None of that lame, robotic scripting stuff.
When you read right off a page, do you connect with someone?
Nope! It feels stiff. Forced.
I want my calls to flow. So I just talk like a normal human.
Here’s why it works wonders:
❌ Scripts make generic small talk
✅ Natural convos build real bonds
See, with scripts you go through the motions. But you miss out on making personal links over:
- Shared interests
- Common values
- Mutual dislikes, even!
Like, I may chat basketball with someone if I see their team hat.
Or bond over favourite business books.
This gets people engaged. Makes sales conversations fun!
It’s easier to move deals along when you gel as people first.
Give it a try:
✅ Toss the script. Have a real chat!
✅ Ask questions to spark a natural convo
✅ Find common interests and opportunities to connect
When you stop robotic spamming… that’s when the sales magic happens!
Reason 3 — Review Recordings and Take Notes
I listen back to all my calls and take notes. Don’t have time to scribble during chats.
So I use this nifty AI tool called read.ai. Hooks up to Zoom and Meet.
It’s like my little sales assistant!
Here’s how it helps:
✅ Records meetings, makes transcripts & notes
✅ Saves me manually jotting down everything
✅ Can read back later to hear how calls went
And you know what I do then? Study my tapes like an athlete!
I look at stuff like:
- How was my speaking flow?
- Did I miss or skip anything key?
- What objections came up and how did I handle them?
This helps me make my calls better over time. I also catch little tweaks to fine-tune my style.
It’s the evaluation that drives improvement!
Wanna kick your call close rate up too?
✅ Record your sessions
✅ Review the videos + notes after
✅ Note what’s working and what to change
When you critique yourself, it fast-tracks skill growth!
Try read.ai to start. Thing works slick.
A Few Other Things
We covered my top 3 sales call closing tactics (which are nothing exceptional). But real quick, few other keys for you:
⇢ I focus on call quality over quantity
Sure, I could cram 30 chats into a month. But that spread me thin, right?
I’d rather have 10 solid talks with real potential. If 9 close from those? Cha-ching!
Quality connections convert, volume calls don’t.
⇢ My qualification process gonna get even stricter
Yep, I’m making my booking rules even tougher in 2024. My time’s too precious, you know?
I can’t burn hours on the phone with anyone who asks. Only well-matched folks making the cut now!
⇢ The less calls, more time for actual work
What pays my bills in the end? Closing deals! And I can’t close deals if I’m just blabbin’ all day on nonsense calls.
Cutting crap meetings gives me more bandwidth for money-making tasks. Pretty smart, right?
In the end — be picky with your calls. Don’t take whatever comes your way. Focus on qualifying and having purpose-driven conversations.
That’s what’ll shoot your rates up and earn you stacks 💰
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